Back to school for semester 2

Territory students are returning to school from 18 July 2023.

Please be vigilant around schools, obey all road rules and watch out for pedestrians. Park safely when dropping off or picking up children and look out for cyclists before opening the car doors.

Remember that the speed limit changes on school days; so please stick to 40 in school zones from 7am to 5pm every school day.

Ensure you’re adhering to your school’s rules around parking on school grounds and Kiss and Go zones to help keep drop off and pick up times safe and smooth for all road users.

Pay attention to your surroundings, don’t get distracted and never use a mobile phone if you are driving.

It’s important that we set a good example for young children by demonstrating safe practices on the road. This will enable them to learn and follow the road rules in place for the safety of the NT community.

Please view the school term dates or contact your child’s school for their start date. For tips on how to travel safely to and from school please use the student travel planner PDF (676.3 KB) with your children.