Novice drivers

Inexperienced drivers, regardless of their age, are most at risk during their first year of unsupervised driving.

Drivers under the age of 25 years particularly have a higher risk of death or injury on the road.

Inexperience is the main reason for this, over confidence and risk taking can play a significant role. Cognitive and perceptual skills, drugs and alcohol, distractions and hazardous conditions, are all factors that can also influence crash risk.

16-25 year olds comprise only 22% of licence drivers but are involved in at least 29% of crashes. 65% of these are males. 40% of speed related trauma (death and serious injury) involved people aged 16-25 years.

NT drivers could drive unsupervised from 16 years and six months. This is the youngest age of all jurisdictions. They also spend the least amount of time on a Probationary (P) licence.

Current initiatives

What you can do

  • participate in the DriveSafe NT driver education and training programs
  • learner drivers are encourage to get as much practice as possible, in as many different conditions
  • obey the road rules and drive to the conditions
  • minimise distractions when driving
  • do not use a mobile phone and limit the number of passengers, especially at night
  • if you are going to be drinking, don’t drive. Organise a Sober Bob
  • don’t let your friends drink and drive.

Related links

For information on how to get your driver's licence, visit the Northern Territory Government website.