Drink driving
Safe driving requires good judgement, sharp concentration and the ability to react quickly to changing situations on the road. Drinking alcohol also increases risk-taking behaviour by giving a driver a false sense of confidence.
Drinking alcohol reduces a driver’s ability to drive safely by affecting a driver’s:
- vision
- speed and distance judgments
- reflexes and reaction times
- decision-making
- concentration.
On average alcohol is involved in 40% of all road deaths and up to 20% of serious injuries in the Northern Territory. From 2007 to 2016, alcohol was a factor in 191 deaths on Territory roads.
Over 70% of all alcohol related deaths were males and Aboriginal people comprise of over half of all alcohol related road deaths.
For more information on drink driving and its effects, go to the Northern Territory Government website.
Current initiatives
- Who’s your Sober Bob campaign
- Recording Artists, Athletes Against Drink Driving
- NT MACC Enough’s Enough and Sorry Business campaigns in language
- School education program
- Back on Track, Drink Driver Education Program
- Banned Drinker Register
What you can do
- if you are going to drink, don’t drive
- know your limits when drinking
- plan how you will get home safe, stay overnight at a friend’s place or arrange a Sober Bob
- Sober Bob is someone who is willing to get you home safely, they can be the bus driver, taxi driver, mum, brother or friend.